Paytm Flight Offer,Paytm Upto 100% Cashback On Flight Tickets: Paytm Has Just Added A New Feature,Now You Can Also Book Flight Tickets Like Bus Booking,Movie Ticket Booking,They Have Come With Flight Booking Offers Where You Can Get upto 100% Cashback On Flight Ticket Booking. Follow Below Mention Steps To Book Flight Ticket And Avail Cashback.
Paytm Flight Booking Coupons And Offers:
Get Rs 1000 Instant Discount On All Domestic Flight Ticket Bookings
- Users get flat 1000 instant discount on all domestic flight ticket bookings.
- Valid on Minimum order value of Rs 5000.
- Instant discount calculated is exclusive of the insurance amount.
- Convenience fees or ancillaries purchased (Meals, Insurance, Baggage, etc.) will be excluded from the total booking amount for instant discount calculation.
- Cancelled orders are not eligible for instant discount.
- Paytm reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time without prior notice.
How To Book Flight On Paytm?
1. Visit On Paytm Flight Booking
2. Login/Signup
3. Click on Flight In Menu
4. Now Book Your Flight
5. Apply Above Codes To Get Extra Cashback & Discount
6. Proceed To Pay