Reliance Jio Money Is A New Way To Pay Online On Various Merchants,Shopping Sites And Also You Can Do Recharge Or Pay Bill. We Have Brought Up All Jio Money Offers &Coupons At One Place. Use Below Offers On Your Next Purchase To Avail Extra Discount.
Jio Money Offers &Coupons
Check Out Here All The Jio Money Offers By Which You Can Get Extra Benefits For Paying Your Bill Of Electricity,Water,Online Shopping Etc.
Jio Money Uber Ride Offer
Get Rs 100 BookMyShow Voucher On Uber Ride Via JioMoney
- Each customer can avail the offer only once during the offer period
- This offer is valid for users paying for their Uber ridethrough JioMoney for the first time.
- Rs 100 voucher will be sent via SMS to customer's registered mobile number within 2 working days from the date of eligible ride
- RPSL reserves the right to disqualify any JioMoney Wallet holder/s from the benefits of this offer,in case of any fraudulent activity/suspicious transactions
- RPSL reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever
- RPSL also reserves the right to discontinue this offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever
- In case of any disputes,RPSL decision will be final
- Rs.100 BookMyShow voucher eligibility will be calculated on the total value of the transaction deducted from the user's JioMoney wallet
- Full/partially refunded transactions would not be considered as eligible transactions.
- Transactions less than minimum amount would not be considered in the eligible transaction list
- Voucher code is valid for 3 months
- Offer Source
Jio Money Ola Ride Offer
Get Free Rs 100 Amazon Voucher On Ola Cab Ride Of Rs 75
- Offer period is from 20th July,2017 to 19th September,2017.
- Each customer can avail the offer only once during the offer period.
- Customer has to pay at-least Rs 75/- for a single OLA ride from his/her JioMoney account.
- This offer is valid for all the users for their ride on OLA paid through JioMoney for the first time.
- Offer is not valid for Ola Rentals and Ola Outstation rides.
- Rs 100 voucher will be sent via SMS within 2 working days from the date of eligible ride.
- Rs.100 Amazon voucher eligibility will be calculated on the total value of the transaction deducted from the user's JioMoney wallet.
- All full/partial refunded transactions would not be considered in the eligible transaction list.
- Transactions less than minimum amount would not be considered in the eligible transaction list.
- Voucher code is valid for 3 months.
- RPSL reserves the right to disqualify any JioMoney Wallet holder/s from the benefits of this offer,in case of any fraudulent activity/suspicious transactions.
- RPSL reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
- RPSL also reserves the right to discontinue this offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
- In case of any disputes,RPSL decision will be final.
- Offer Source
How To Avail Jio Money Ola Offer?
1. Download Or Open Ola Cabs
2. Book Your Ola Ride Of Rs 75 &Above
2. Go To Payments
4. Pay Using JioMoney To Avail This Offer
1. Visit On Jio Money
2. Or Download/Install Joi Money App
3. Login/Signup
4. Now Open App
5. Make A Recharge,Book Bus,Pay Bill Etc
6. Use Above Offer And Avail Extra Discount
6. Pay Final Amount